January 08, 2008

The creating is in the saying

Okay, I am still thinking about the first chapter of Genesis. But there’s so much in these 31 verses! Probably a lifetime of learning that can be gathered from this chapter.

Here’s some of what I’ve been pondering the last few days.

1) “And God said.” Each step of spiritual creation detailed in this chapter begins with this phrase. As creation began and expanded, God declare more and more about Himself; revealed more of His infinite self in other forms of creation – light first, then heaven, earth, seas, vegetation, stars, sea creatures, birds, land animals and finally man – higher and higher. Of course, this statement might make you think of the first line of the Gospel of John, “In the beginning was the Word.” “In the beginning” was God expressing Himself, divine Love knowing Himself and expressing that knowledge. And for much of creation, this statement, “and God said …” takes care of the creating. God says, and it happens. Sometimes this is reinforced or the creation is detailed by the addition of “God made” or “God created.”

2) “And God saw ...” Regularly, there’s this statement. It’s like periodically God takes a step back and looks over what has been done, what He’s revealed of Himself. It struck me that this look had to have been filled with love, because God is Love (I John 4). Love was expressing Him/Herself in creation. He could only behold it with love because He is Love and because the reflection of Himself, creation, is made of Love, is expressing Love. God loves all of creation because it is an expression of Himself, an expression of Love that reflects back that infinite Love that created it.

3) “… that it was good.” Each time God sees His creation, He declares it good. Covered this some here, so I don’t think I’ll do more on this aspect today.

So God knew, and then He saw. The “Glossary” definition of God in Science and Health by Mary Baker Eddy begins: “The great I AM; the all-knowing, all-seeing, all-acting, all-wise, all-loving, and eternal;” (587:5-6) A friend once shared that it meant a lot to her one time when she was praying for healing of a broken leg that the knowing came before the seeing. That comment struck me as interesting and has stuck with me. I think we see it here – “God said” and then “God saw.” His knowing is a revealing that He and all of His creation can see. It’s kind of comforting to think of God’s knowing something first, forming it in His thought – because that formation must be perfect because God is perfect. And as He knows, He sees – sees the perfection of this idea. And we can see it, too!

This all reminds me of MBE’s statement giving spiritual insight to Gen 1:5:

(SH 504:6)
All questions as to the divine creation being both spiritual and material are answered in this passage, for though solar beams are not yet included in the record of creation, still there is light. This light is not from the sun nor from volcanic flames, but it is the revelation of Truth and of spiritual ideas. This also shows that there is no place where God's light is not seen, since Truth, Life, and Love fill immensity and are ever-present. Was not this a revelation instead of a creation?
So, perhaps no great final answers, mostly just some thoughts I’m pondering. But a good reminder to be looking to see more clearly and hopefully more consistently, as God enables me to see, the revelation of Himself, what He knows about me and the entire universe. This creation is there all around us, and it is good!

What do you think about these ideas? Would love to hear what your prayers and ponderings of this chapter have revealed to you!

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