April 30, 2008

Joy of salvation

Sharing a little joy with these readings! Blessing for much joy in your life!

The Bible:
Hab 3:18 I will rejoice
Isa 25:1,8,9
Ps 86:4,5,10-12,15 thou,16
Ps 13:5 I,6
Luke 4:14 Jesus,15
Luke 19:1-10
Ps 30:1-4
Ps 20:5,6
Mark 15:1,25
Matt 28:1,2,5-7 (to ;),8,16,18-20
Ps 95:12,,6,7 (to ;)
Ps 105:1-3
Ps 149:1-5
Acts 3:1-8
Ps 98:1-4
Rev 12:10 (to :),12 (to .)

Science and Health:

Christian Science Hymnal:
Hymn 56
Hymn 168
Hymn 153

April 26, 2008

Mind and manifestation - part 2

I'd like to say, "part 2 of X," but I just don't know what X is or will be, so it will remain variable right now. Just keep learning little and big things about this statement, so we'll see where this goes. Thanks for bearing with me as I explore! (This first installment on this idea is here. Check it out if you haven't so the rest of this one will make sense. :)

There are a few little words that really pop out at me in all these definitions and weavings: "readily," "clear" and "plain." Such simple and comforting words! God making Himself readily, clearly, plainly perceived, understood, seen, etc. No hiding! Out there in the open for everyone to know and see. No tricks. Just revealing Himself.

I guess this is saying to me that God wants His creation to know Him, and He's putting Himself - all the wonderful aspects of his being - out there in the open for us to know Him, to understand Him, and so to understand ourselves as His creation, His image and likeness (ref. Gen 1:26, 27).

So I'm being more expectant to see evidence of God all around me - clearly and plainly - in myself, in my encounters with others, in the neighborhood as it springs into bloom. God's making this evidence clear, and, as He is omnipotent - all-power - who can change what He's done? And who would want to when what He has done is all good - all Himself? :)

April 24, 2008

Mind and manifestation

Seems like for a couple of weeks now, any time I've quieted my thought to pray and listen for ideas from God, this clause from the Scientific Statement of Being found in Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy comes strongly: "All is infinite Mind and its infinite manifestation," (page 468)

Well, I do try to take these ideas seriously, especially when they keep coming over and over as this one ahs and continues to do. I figure there is something I need to learn from the word, phrase, or whatever. And, boy, has there been some neat ideas I've been gahtering from studying and pondering this one more deeply! Here's some of where this study has taken me (probably more to come).

First, of course, being a student at heart, I had to grab my dictionary and be clear on one word especially: manifestation. The following is what I found in Random House Webster's: (Merriam-Webster's online version is pretty close if you want to do your own checking.)

1) an act of manifesting
2) the state of being manifested
3) outward or perceptible indication (pretty much the aspect of the definition I'd always thought about - was mostly aware of - especially in this context)
4) a public demontration, as for political effect (fun!)

Well, have to look up "manifest" next as it is laced through the above definitions ...

1) readily perceived by the eye or the understanding; evident
2) to make clear to the eye or the understanding

I also checked out "indication":

1) to be a sign of; betoken
2) to point to or point out
3) to demonstrate the conditions of
4) to show or suggest the suitability or necessity of

Wow - this all really broadened my thought on what this clause could mean. I think I've always just thought, okay, all is Mind, God, and its manifestation, man and the universe, creation. Not wrong - fits with the third definition of manifestation, but I think now it is a limited way of thinking of this statement given the rest of the definitions and how they can be interwoven.

So here are some ideas I wrote down as I thought about this statement with the various definitions of manifestation:

1) All is infinite Mind and Its infinite act of making Itself readily perceived by the eye or understanding, of making Itself evident (plain or clear to the sight or understanding).

2) All is infinite Mind and Its infinte state of being readily perceived by the eye (spiritual understanding), and Its infinite sate of being evident.

3) All is infinte Mind and Its inifinite outward or perceptible sign, Its infinite outward or perceptible sign of being necessary and suitable, Its infinte perceptible showng of the suitbaility and necessity of Itself, Its infinte perceptible sign pointing to Itself, Its infinte outward act of demonstratioing the conditions of Itself (intelligence, wisdom, common sense, etc., etc., infinitely).

4) All is infinite Mind and Its public demonstration of Itself (I really like this one - pretty cool).

Isn't that what creation is? God making Himself evident, perceptible, of God expressing His Word, making Himself known. Hmmm, typing this out, I'm remembering this passage from Science and Health (303:25-28):

God, without the image and likeness of Himself, would be a nonentity, or Mind unexpressed. He would be without a witness or proof of His own nature.
Hence, His need to manifest Himself - to demonstrate Himself, His real nature, the fulness of His being. And we, as His manifestation, are that demonstration, we are the perceivable evidence of God - infinite Mind - knowing, seeing, acting, loving. We point back to Him.

Oh, wow. This is just the tip of the iceburg on this one, I think, my friend! More later on where these ideas are going and what I continue to learn about this infinite Mind and its manifestation. It's such a great journey!

April 23, 2008


A good friend with whom I haven't talked in a while called yesterday - I'm pretty sure that was the spark to this topic and resulting readings. The focus is the story of David and Jonathan, Saul's son. They were fast friends. I've loved the deep love and affection they held for each other as depicted in the books of Samuel since I first read it. So tender, so giving of each other, despite all the war and weirdness with Saul going on. Jonathan maintained his vow of friendship, knowing the pureness of it and David's innocence. Really heartwarming! I hope you enjoy this story and the other ideas of friendship below.

Much good!

The Bible:
Prov 17:17
Prov 18:24
Prov 27:10 (to ;)
I Sam 14:49 (to :)
I Sam 18:1-5 the soul,12
I Sam 19:1-10
I Sam 20:1-4,11-17,24,27-32,35,40-42
I Sam 31:1-3
II Sam 1:2-4,11,12,17,25-27
II Sam 9:1-8,13
Prov 22:11
John 13:1,12 he said (to 4th ,), 34
John 15:9,10,13,14
Rom 12:9,10
III John 1:14 Peace
Heb 13:1

Science and Health:
60:6-8, 29-9

Christian Science Hymnal:
Hymn 105
Hymn 30
Hymn 178

April 02, 2008

Rejoicing in the Lord

It felt like these readings needed to be about joy, and this is what resulted - the joy that results from seeking and worshipping Him. Love the images of harmony the came out in this, as well as the need for a higher spiritual sense to reach that permanent sense of joy that is ours as God's children. Click on the links to see the Bible and Science and Health passages. Or, if you have the software program "Concord" copy and paste the citation list into the Citation Document pane and view from there.

Much joy!

The Bible:
Phil 4:4
Zech 2:10
Ps 33:1-5,12,20,21
Ps 100:1-5
Ps 43:3,4
I Chron 15:1,3,14-16,25-29 (to :)
I Chron 16:1,2,7-11,23-25,31,32,36
Ps 16:2-11
Ps 119:1,2,111
Ps 32:1,2,11
Mark 1:14 Jesus,15,28,34
Luke 19:1-10
I Thess 5:16-19,21,28

Science and Health:

Christian Science Hymnal:
Hymn 407
Hymn 16
Hymn 263