February 27, 2008

some ideas on healing

These readings came from my own need for healing this week. Lots of great examples of Jesus' healing work - and some insights from Science and Health on how to heal. The result during our meeting waas the sharing of a couple of great testimonies. One individual shared a recent healing of liver cancer. Another shared a healing of poison when a child, the reminder of which aided a quick healing over the weekend of a stomach ailment. God does heal!!

The Bible:
Ps 6:2-9
Ps 103:1-4
Luke 4:14 Jesus
Luke 5:12,13
Luke 7:2-10
Luke 8:40-55
Luke 9:38-43 (to .)
Luke 18:27
John 14:6 (to :),12-14
John 9:1-7
James 5:16 The

Science and Health:
229:15-18 np
230:20-24 (to 2nd .),27-11

Christian Science Hymnal:
Hymn 175
Hymn 96
Hymn 253

February 20, 2008

No Disruptive Elements

The weather this winter has been very bizarre in our area of the US - and I think much of it. One day recently a friend mentioned that she was praying with this idea - that there are no disruptive elements in God's kingdom, only eternal and infinite harmony. Sounded like the seed for some interesting readings, and here they are. Hope you find them helpful. Hmmm, maybe this idea could apply to all the potholes springing up around here?? :)

Much good!

The Bible:
Isa 25:1,4
I Kings 19:1-6 (to .), 8-12
Ps 148:1-13
Ps 135:5-7
Ps 147:4,5,7,8,11,15-19
Matt 14:22-36 Jesus
Ps 97:1,2,4-6,9,10 he (to ;),11,12
Ps 46:1-3,10,11 (to .)

Science and Health:

CS Hymnal:
Hymn 93:1-4
Hymn 74:1,2
Hymn 172:1-3

February 16, 2008

Further thoughts re: NIU

I'm really struck by and pondering this quote from Mary Baker Eddy's book Science and Health today:
We cannot deny that Life is self-sustained, and we should never deny the everlasting harmony of Soul, simply because, to the mortal senses, there is seeming discord. It is our ignorance of God, the divine Principle, which produces apparent discord, and the right understanding of Him restores harmony. Truth will at length compel us all to exchange the pleasures and pains of sense for the joys of Soul. (390:4)
(If you are studying the Christian Science Bible Lesson this week - topic of Soul - you've encountered it in the first section, except for that last sentence.)

I think this is popping out at me in light of the shootings at nearby Northern Illinois University the other day and the deluge of reporting on the news that has ensued. And especially because of the questions constantly put forward - Why did this happen? How could this happen?

It's kind of a tough idea Eddy put forward in this paragraph, especially for someone who is in the midst of a traumatic episode of some sort, such as this shooting incident. How can one deny discord has a reality when it seems soooo real, like it is hitting you squarely in the face, head and heart? Not sure I would out and out share this idea with someone going through this situation, but I'd pray with it, am praying with it, in support of those who are on campus or otherwise impacted by this event.

I think the answer lies in the statement "the right understanding of Him restores harmony." That's the key, isn't it - the RIGHT understanding of God, of divine Love? I truly believe that God, inifinte Love, did not "let this happen," did not decree it for His children. He loves us all and His love is a protection. Despite all of this apparent discord and trauma, God's love is still present with all of those students, with the faculty and staff, with the parents of those injured, killed and of the shootist. And that Love sustains Life. Those dear ones who are lost to their families here are still with divine Love, still living in His tender care. The qualities they expressed - I've read about each student who was shot and they were certainly all special to many! - are still present in their families' and friends' lives and will be cherished for many years. As individuals ponder that good those individuals brought to their lives, they'll find that peace and harmony again. As they feel the eternal nature (whether consciously or not) of those God-given qualities these children refleted, harmony is restored.

I pray that all will feel the comfort of the love, joy, peace, comraderie, quietness, gentleness, dedication, thoughtfulness, etc., etc., the six individuals who passed on that day expressed to others here and which they continue to express now. I know that this will help restore harmony to their lives, support them in the days ahead, and strengthen them as they continue to live full lives expressing the "everlasting harmony of Soul." I've experienced this when loved ones have passed, so I know others can and will. God will speak it to them in just the right way and at the right moments. And so many are standing by to lend that word of comfort, helping hand or strong shoulder. I am so grateful for all the good and support that is happening in DeKalb these last days. That will, must, does overcome the evil sense of the tragedy. "Love must triumph over hate." (SH 43:32)


February 15, 2008


Another school shooting. Yesterday afternoon - Valentine's Day - at Northern Illinois University, a young man, a graduate student in sociology, walked into a classroom auditorium and opened fire then shot himself. A mirror image of the Viriginia Tech shooting last April, but this one so close to home. I know that campus. I did graduate work there. I know that building - though it is used primarily for undergraduate classes. I took the GMAT in that auditorium. It is stranger to think of this situation when you can really picture where it all occurred, unlike the Viriginia Tech incident, a campus I am totally unfamiliar with.

My heart goes out to those students who were there - who were shot, hurt, escaped. I feel for their parents, who heard the reports and must have felt so anxious for news of their child. I am grateful for the quick action of campus security - reports are that they were on the scene in 3 minutes from the first gun shots - and for the wisdom of the administration to alert the campus and lock things down until the situation was under control and needs assessed.

My prayers go out to all those touched by this event. I pray that they all may know the infinte love of our Father-Mother God. That each individual will feel Her tender arms comforting and embracing her/him in this strange moment. That everyone will feel loved, supported, strengthened by the infinite resources of divine Soul.

The images on the news show a campus uniting to help one another, to comfort and support however needed. That to me is a symbol of supreme Love's presence right there in the heart of what probably feels like a mess to those on campus. Some of the first messages of love and support came from students, faculty and administration at Virginia Tech. I am sure all campuses learned much from the VT incident, and I am grateful to see evidence of that in Thursday's shooting at NIU.

"Life and goodness are immortal." (Science and Health 246:28) The goodness that each of those students embodied goes on eternally, I believe. That is what is lasting and does last, no matter what the material picture may be. And this statement must be true for that shooter as well.

I heard a comment on the radio made by one student, something to the effect that it is too bad more people are wanting their final and lasting statement to be a mass shooting. It is sad that this thought may be creeping in. It can't be the final and lasting impression of that young man with the guns for his family and friends. I am sure he had friends - they were mentioned in one news report. And they were totally shocked by this action. All that can last of him is the good that he did.

It can seem difficult to pray for someone who committed such an act, but somehow that is where my prayers go first at these times - and for these individuals' families. It just seems like they need lots of extra love and protection in these situations. I know that God continues to love them and there son/grandson/brother/nephew/etc. That doesn't change. And it will support them through the next days, weeks, months as these events are sorted out.

Right now, this hymn - #278 in the Christian Science Hymnal:

Pilgrim on earth, home and heaven are within thee,
Heir of the ages and child of the day.
Cared for, watched over, beloved and protected,
Walk thou with courage each step of the way.

Truthful and steadfast though trials betide thee,
Ever one thing do thou ask of thy Lord,
Grace to go forward, wherever He guide thee,
Gladly obeying the call of His word.

Healed is thy hardness, His love hath dissolved it,
Full is the promise, the blessing how kind;
So shall His tenderness teach thee compassion,
So all the merciful, mercy shall find.

February 05, 2008


In the “Glossary” of Science and Health, Mary Baker Eddy defined Holy Ghost as “Divine Science; the development of eternal Life, Truth and Love.” (p. 588:7) Those of you who study the Christian Science Bible Lesson probably realize that this definition is in this week’s Bible Lesson on Spirit, that’s why its been on my thought these last two days.

That word ‘development’ in the definition really popped out at me. Really kind of seemed odd, especially given how I think of the word (unfortunately more as in ‘housing development’ any more!). So I had to look it up because, well, most likely, there are some aspects of the definition I’m not that familiar with and that might lend some light to its use in this case.

The dictionaries I checked first – Random House and Merriam-Webster – didn’t lend anything that seemed to really make sense, especially in a spiritual context. So I checked a dictionary I have that is supposed to be from the mid-19th century. Bingo!

Here are the meanings given in this older dictionary, one perhaps used by Eddy:

a) an unfolding
b) the discovering of something secret or withheld from the knowledge of others
c) disclosure
d) full exhibition
Ah, now this word ‘development’ is much more meaningful in this context. The Holy Ghost can be understood as the unfolding “of eternal Life, Truth and Love.” Certainly Jesus was unfolding or revealing the Holy Ghost to his disciples all the while he was teaching, preaching and healing; he was opening, expanding and disclosing what he knew of eternal Life, of infinite Truth and of supreme Love to all those that followed and still follow him and showing them what this knowledge does for everyone – gives them health, wholeness, joy.

And for the disciples, especially after their meetings with Jesus after his resurrection and on that day of Pentecost as described in Acts 1 and 2 (the Bible stories featured in this last section of the week’s lesson), their reception of the Holy Ghost, as described in Science and Health, enabled them to be:

… roused to an enlarged understanding of divine Science, even to the spiritual interpretation and discernment of Jesus' teachings and demonstrations, which gave them a faint conception of the Life which is God. They no longer measured man by material sense. After gaining the true idea of their glorified Master, they became better healers, leaning no longer on matter, but on the divine Principle of their work. The influx of light was sudden. It was sometimes an overwhelming power as on the Day of Pentecost. (46:32)
Surely this experience was a great example of the full exhibition of eternal Life, Truth and Love – a fuller expression of infinite Spirit. They went on to heal and to teach better then ever before, because they understood more. It was their discovering the fullness of that thing which was “kept secret since the world began.” (Romans 16:25) And they shared it!

We all have the opportunity now to have and experience this full disclosure, to be part of the unfolding of eternal Life, Truth and Love as Jesus taught and demonstrated. Jesus promised it; the apostles lived it – all for us to be able to do the same as God’s loved children.

So now, I’m looking for more of these “unfoldings” or “illuminations of Science” (SH 296:15) that reveal the spiritual facts of God, of eternal Life, Truth and Love, in my life. I’m sure there’s much more in this definition that will be helpful, but this is a start and where I am on it today.

What do you think?

The Crow and the Kitten

Had to post this video - a bit long at 7 minutes, but really interesting! A wonderful example of crossing perceived boundaries (in this case species), mothering, friendship, breaking down false concepts (here, "natural born enemies"). Hope you enjoy!