February 05, 2008


In the “Glossary” of Science and Health, Mary Baker Eddy defined Holy Ghost as “Divine Science; the development of eternal Life, Truth and Love.” (p. 588:7) Those of you who study the Christian Science Bible Lesson probably realize that this definition is in this week’s Bible Lesson on Spirit, that’s why its been on my thought these last two days.

That word ‘development’ in the definition really popped out at me. Really kind of seemed odd, especially given how I think of the word (unfortunately more as in ‘housing development’ any more!). So I had to look it up because, well, most likely, there are some aspects of the definition I’m not that familiar with and that might lend some light to its use in this case.

The dictionaries I checked first – Random House and Merriam-Webster – didn’t lend anything that seemed to really make sense, especially in a spiritual context. So I checked a dictionary I have that is supposed to be from the mid-19th century. Bingo!

Here are the meanings given in this older dictionary, one perhaps used by Eddy:

a) an unfolding
b) the discovering of something secret or withheld from the knowledge of others
c) disclosure
d) full exhibition
Ah, now this word ‘development’ is much more meaningful in this context. The Holy Ghost can be understood as the unfolding “of eternal Life, Truth and Love.” Certainly Jesus was unfolding or revealing the Holy Ghost to his disciples all the while he was teaching, preaching and healing; he was opening, expanding and disclosing what he knew of eternal Life, of infinite Truth and of supreme Love to all those that followed and still follow him and showing them what this knowledge does for everyone – gives them health, wholeness, joy.

And for the disciples, especially after their meetings with Jesus after his resurrection and on that day of Pentecost as described in Acts 1 and 2 (the Bible stories featured in this last section of the week’s lesson), their reception of the Holy Ghost, as described in Science and Health, enabled them to be:

… roused to an enlarged understanding of divine Science, even to the spiritual interpretation and discernment of Jesus' teachings and demonstrations, which gave them a faint conception of the Life which is God. They no longer measured man by material sense. After gaining the true idea of their glorified Master, they became better healers, leaning no longer on matter, but on the divine Principle of their work. The influx of light was sudden. It was sometimes an overwhelming power as on the Day of Pentecost. (46:32)
Surely this experience was a great example of the full exhibition of eternal Life, Truth and Love – a fuller expression of infinite Spirit. They went on to heal and to teach better then ever before, because they understood more. It was their discovering the fullness of that thing which was “kept secret since the world began.” (Romans 16:25) And they shared it!

We all have the opportunity now to have and experience this full disclosure, to be part of the unfolding of eternal Life, Truth and Love as Jesus taught and demonstrated. Jesus promised it; the apostles lived it – all for us to be able to do the same as God’s loved children.

So now, I’m looking for more of these “unfoldings” or “illuminations of Science” (SH 296:15) that reveal the spiritual facts of God, of eternal Life, Truth and Love, in my life. I’m sure there’s much more in this definition that will be helpful, but this is a start and where I am on it today.

What do you think?

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